English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word upright

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(above‐board; honest; forthright; honourable)
(faithful; loyal; staunch; true; trusty; straightforward)
; ; ;
🔗 The staff she held upright before her with both hands was as tall as she, the gilded flame capping it standing above her eyes.
upright yellow sorrel
(yellow wood‐sorrel; common yellow wood‐sorrel; upright yellow wood‐sorrel; erect wood‐sorrel; common yellow oxalis; lemon clover)
stijve klaverzuring
upright yellow wood‐sorrel
(yellow wood‐sorrel; common yellow wood‐sorrel; erect wood‐sorrel; common yellow oxalis; upright yellow sorrel; lemon clover)
stijve klaverzuring
(to the right);
(true; correct; sound; valid)
🔗 Having rights and enforcing them are quite different, however.
(correct; exact; proper);
🔗 We made the right decision to evacuate.
(exactly; just; okay; accurately; correctly; precisely; aright; properly);
🔗 Tam was right where he had left him, seemingly asleep.
(of use; suitable; appropriate; apt; due; expedient; useful; fitting; applicable)
(right‐hand side); ;
🔗 At the banquet king Casmir and queen Sollace sat at the head of the great table, with Suldrun at her father’s right and Carfilhiot to the left of queen Sollace.
(above; uphill; upwards; upward; aloft); ;
🔗 We couldn’t get up the first hill.
(above; on top; overhead; aloft; at the top);
(gee‐up; jump)
(above; over; beyond)
🔗 Jubal looked up the slope.

upright in het lood; integer; kaarsrecht; oprecht; overeind; overeindstaand; recht; rechtgeaard; rechtop; rechtopstaand; rechtschapen; rechtstandig; staand; staande balk; stander; stijl; verticale stand
bolt upright kaarsrecht
upright piano pianino
upright yellow sorrel stijve klaverzuring
upright yellow wood‐sorrel stijve klaverzuring
right behoorlijk; billijk; echt; gelijk; geschikt; geëigend; goed; helemaal; herstellen; in de haak; in orde; in orde maken; juist; midscheeps leggen; naar rechts; overeind zetten; pal; precies; recht; recht doen; recht laten wedervaren; rechterhand; rechterkant; rechtervleugel; rechterzij; rechterzijde; rechter‐; rechtmatig; rechtop zetten; rechts; rechtvaardig; redresseren; verbeteren; vierkant; vlak; waar; wel; zeer; zich oprichten
up boven; de hoogte in; hoog; in; in de hoogte; naar boven; naar omhoog; om; omhoog; op; op reces; opengebroken; opgeheven; opgeslagen; opstaan; overeind; punt; tegen op; verhogen