English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word tranquil

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(calm; quiet; still);
🔗 The peace of a normally tranquil suburban road near South Africa’s capital, Pretoria, is being shattered by the sound of drilling.
(calmness; composure; peacefulness; stillness)
; ; ;
(calm; quiet; silence; quiescence);
🔗 After the most turbulent year of her political life, British prime minister Theresa May is currently enjoying the fresh air and tranquility of the Swiss mountains.
(appease; calm; quiet; soothe; still; quiten; assuage; relieve)
(calmly; composedly; peacefully; quietely; restfully); ; ;
🔗 He took up his brush and went tranquilly to work.

tranquil kalm; rustig
tranquillity gemoedsrust; gerustheid; kalmte; rust; rustigheid
tranquillize kalmeren; tot bedaren brengen