English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word the matter in hand

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(hand over); ;
ter hand stellen
(labourer; operative; worker; working man; workman)
🔗 Scales laid a hand on his shoulder.
(convey; hand over; pass; assign; deliver; transmit; transfer; turn over); ; ; ;
(veteran; ex‐serviceman)
(stuff; substance)
(affair; case)
(business; cause; affair)
🔗 I have nothing more to say on the matter.
(thing; case; issue; question); ;
🔗 I have been busy with other matters.
🔗 Why does that matter so much?
(number; figure); ;
🔗 Labashi‐Marduk reigned only for a matter of months, being deposed by Nabonidus in late 560 BC.

the matter in hand de zaak die aan de orde is; de zaak in kwestie
hand aangeven; aanreiken; afgeven; arbeider; arbeidskracht; geven; hand; handschrift; handtekening; handvol; kaart; kam; man; overhandigen; overreiken; poot; spel; speler; ter hand stellen; toereiken; voorpoot; wijzer
matter aangelegenheid; dracht; etter; kopij; kwestie; materie; stof; van belang zijn; zaak; zetsel