English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word spoon cabbage

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
spoon cabbage
(paksoi; Chinese white cabbage; pak choi; Chinese chard; Chinese mustard; celery mustard; Chinese leaves)
🔗 The cabbages were stunted, barely a sprout of the beans or peas showed, and there was not a sign of a beet.
(stick; damper; dry old stick; dull dog; sober‐sides; wet; wet blanket);
saaie piet
(wild cabbage)
(large spoon)
🔗 With a long‐handled spoon he held foot to the creature’s mouth.
🔗 One arm supported her shoulders and head, another held a silver spoon to her mouth.
(draw; extract; excerpt; bail); ; ;

spoon cabbage paksoi
cabbage dooie diender; kool; koolkrop; saaie piet; slome
spoon flirten; lepel; lepelen; opscheppen; vrijen