English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word south

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In the south, Russia will likely seek to hold the city of Cherson to control the flow of water to Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.
(southward; southwards);
south of
(to the south of)
sude de
(south of);
sude de
🔗 Russian forces continue a weeks‐long attempt to take Izjum, to the south of Charkiv, but Ukrainian resistance continues in the heavily damaged city.
🔗 Five civilians have been killed by armed assailants who attacked two villages in south‐east Kenya, police said.
🔗 After failing to capture a single major Ukrainian city in five weeks of war, Russia says it has shifted its focus to the south‐east, where it has backed separatists since 2014.
🔗 Protests in the southern city of Beṅgaḷūru have resulted in at least 70 arrests.
(south; southwards)
(south; southward);
🔗 Russia is currently using Kupʼjansʹk as a rail hub to resupply its forces and Izjum as a launching pad for attacks southwards into the Donecʹk region.
🔗 Authorities have ordered thousands of people living in the southwestern town of Grindavík to leave as a precaution.

south naar het zuiden; zuid‐; zuidelijk; zuiden; zuider‐; zuidwaarts
south of bezuiden; ten zuiden van
to the south of bezuiden; ten zuiden van
south‐east zuidoost; zuidoosten
south‐easterly zuidoostelijk
southerly zuidelijk
southern zuidelijk; zuider‐
southing zuidelijke richting
southward naar het zuiden; zuidelijk; zuidwaarts
southwards naar het zuiden; zuidelijk; zuidwaarts
south‐west zuidwest; zuidwesten
south‐westerly zuidwestelijk
southwestern zuidwestelijk