English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word poor in spirit

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(dismal; miserable; pitiful; unenviable; piteous);
(bad; miserable; nasty; wrong)
🔗 In the ensuing centuries, Iceland became one of the poorest countries in Europe.
; ; ;
(in short supply; scanty; scarce; few; scant; thin; sparse);
(inadequate; insufficient; meagre; scarce; short);
(rotten; ugly; horrendous; horrid; lousy; shitty; trashy; no good; wretched; awful);
; ;
; ;
🔗 I think one thing that that was to be expected is the poor Russian troop morale.
(mind; genie)
(activity; gusto; stir; dynamism; liveliness; vigour; zip); ; ;
(verve; vivacity; fire; liveliness; animation; zest; zing; flair); ;
(fairy; wraith)
🔗 I could not leave you to die alone at the hands of the spirits that dwell upon these mountains.
🔗 He is on the verge of being slain when the spirit of Bêlit intervenes.
🔗 It seems that her spirit is not utterly broken.
🔗 Between June 2018 and December 2021 there was a 25% tax imposed on the spirit, which decreased American whiskey exports by 18%.

poor in spirit armen van geest; arm van geest
poor arm; armelijk; armetierig; armoedig; armtierig; armzalig; behoeftig; ellendig; erbarmelijk; gering; mager; min; minvermogend; noodlijdend; pover; schamel; schraal; slecht; treurig; verschraald; zielig; óvergieten
spirit aard; animo; bezieling; durf; flinkheid; fut; geest; geestkracht; kracht; moed; pit; pittigheid; spiritus; spook; sterke drank; vurigheid; vuur