English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word pole‐vault

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(post; stake; stanchion; prop; strut; standard)
🔗 Surface temperatures range from about 90 to 700 K (−183°C to 427°C), with the subsolar point being the hottest and the bottoms of craters near the poles being the coldest.
(rod; bar; handle; shaft; staff; stake; stave; spar);
(dome; vaulted ceiling; arched roof)

pole‐vault polsstoksprong
pole bomen; boom; dissel; disselboom; juffer; mast; paal; pols; pool; staak; stok; voortbomen
vault gewelf; grafkelder; kelder; kluis; overkluizen; overwelfsel; overwelven; overwelving; springen over; sprong; verwelf; verwelven; voltigeren; zadeldak