English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word newsprint

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(novelty; something new; innovation; a piece of news)
🔗 The good news is that however you design your system, you can implement it in PHP.
🔗 What news do you bring me?
🔗 Jan Loos, a wolf expert, was called to the property by the owners and said he had found wolf prints at the scene.
; ;
🔗 Theresa May’s abiding legacy will turn out to be blue British passports, printed in France.
(write down);

newsprint krantenpapier
news bericht; berichten; journaal; kroniek; maar; mare; nieuws; nieuwstijding; tijding; tijdingen
print afdruk; afdrukken; bedrukken; bedrukt katoen; blad; blokschrift; bont; druk; drukken; drukletters; drukwerk; gedrukt; indruk; indrukken; inprenten; katoentje; kopie; kopiëren; krant; laten drukken; merk; met blokletters schrijven; plaat; prent; print; printen; publiceren; spoor; stempel; stempelen; teken; voetafdruk