English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word maiden speech

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(young woman; girl; maid)
🔗 I suspect that he spends more time in bed with real maidens.
ongetrouwde vrouw
🔗 He worships the maiden of his dreams.
(discourse; talk; talking; speaking);
(accost; address; intervention; message); ; ;
🔗 Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder.
(idiom; language; tongue);
(lecture; address; discourse); ;

maiden speech intreerede; maiden‐speech
maiden eerste; jonkvrouw; jonkvrouwelijk; maagd; maagdelijk; meisje; meisjes‐; ongetrouwd
speech rede; redevoering; speech; spraak; taal; toespraak