English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word league game

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The last day of the games had come.
🔗 In Poland, the berries are often mixed with pears to create a sauce served with poultry or game.
sovaĝaj bestoj
🔗 It is naturalized in parts of Britain, where it has been planted as an ornamental and a cover for game.
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league game competitiewedstrijd
game branie; dapper; dobbelen; domein; flink; lam; manche; mank; partij; partijtje; spel; spelen; spelletje; terrein; wedstrijd; werkterrein; wild
league bond; categorie; competitie; groep; klasse; leuga; liga; niveau; uur gaans; verbond