English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word in bad form

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(shape; configure; fashion; frame; mould);
(shape; configuration);
🔗 Also, if you have a form that permits multiple selections, the items the user selected are returned in an array.
(erect; establish; found);
(take shape)
🔗 If so, how did it form?
🔗 There are forms to be followed.
(constitute; make up; account for);
🔗 Since Modī became prime minister in 2014, the country has seen increased attacks against Muslims, who form 15 percent of India’s 1.4 billion population.

in bad form in slechte conditie
form aantreden; bank; de vorm aannemen van; fatsoen; formaliteit; formeren; formulier; gedaante; klas; leger; maken; oprichten; schoolbank; schoolklas; soort; studiejaar; uitmaken; vorm; vormen; zich opstellen; zich vormen