English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word house‐physician

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The house surprised her every time she saw it.
(dwell; live; reside; stay; lodge);
onder dak brengen
🔗 This, the pirate was sure, housed the chieftain and his folk.
🔗 Mann led a team of 14 physicians.

house‐physician inwonend geneesheer
house behuizing; binnenhalen; firma; house; huis; huisvesten; huisvesting verlenen; huizen; onder dak brengen; onderbrengen; schoolafdeling; schouwburgzaal; stallen; voorstelling; wonen; woning; zaal
physician arts; dokter; geneesheer; geneeskundige; medicus