English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word have the odds stacked against oneself

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(peculiar; strange; curious; weird; queer; off‐beat; funny; outlandish); ; ; ; ;
🔗 Magicians were odd folk.
(accumulate; heap; pile up; rack up); ;
(amass; heap; pile up; accumulate; collect; gather; pile)
(heap; pile);
🔗 When the pile of split wood grew big enough, he stacked it against the side of the house, beside other stacks already there.
(store; warehouse; stash)
🔗 A bunk bed is a type of bed in which one bed frame is stacked on top of another.

have the odds stacked against oneself alles tegen zich hebben
odd curieus; gek; kluchtig; koddig; niet bij elkaar horend; oneven; overblijvend; overgebleven; raar; verloren; vreemd; vreemdsoortig; zonderbaar; zonderling
stack aan mijten zetten; aan rotten zetten; boekenstelling; groep schoorstenen; hooimijt; hoop; mijt; opstapelen; rot; schelf; schoorsteen; schoorsteenpijp; stack; stapel; stapelen; stapelkast