English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word have more strings to one’s bow

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(arc; arch)
(curtsy; curtsy to; do a curtsy; drop a curtsy);
🔗 He then bowed and departed the room, and after him, the footmen and then the heralds.
(curtsy; obeisance);
🔗 Tema, the leathery‐faced head groom, met him at the wide doors with a deep bow, touching his forehead and then his heart.
(bow and arrow)
🔗 Turjan released her, but took her sword and bow.
(knot; pompom)
(bend; curve)
🔗 He bowed his head and looked at the ground.
(braid; fillet; tie)
🔗 Because strings are so common in web applications, PHP includes core‐level support for creating and manipulating strings.
(cord; rope; line; chord); ;
(series; sequence); ;
(file; line; rank; row; queue; round; run; sequence; bank)
(round; sequence; row)
🔗 There has been a string of suspicious deaths of former Russian officials and business people over the past year and a half, not just in Russia but also abroad.

have more strings to one’s bow meer pijlen op zijn boog hebben
bow beugel; boeg; boegroeier; boog; buigen; buiging; doen buigen; krommen; nijgen; nijging; strijken; strijkstok; strik; strikdas; strikje; vlinderdas; voorste roeier; zich buigen
string afhalen; afristen; band; besnaren; bespannen; bindgaren; draad; koord; koordje; pees; reeks; rij; rijgen; ris; rissen; rist; risten; sleep; slier; sliert; snaar; snoer; snoeren; spannen; touw; touwtje; tros; veter; vezel