English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word firing‐line

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(fire; gun‐fire; shooting; fusillade);
(dismissal; removal)
🔗 Mugabe’s firing of Mnangagwa, his right‐hand man for nearly four decades, stunned the nation.
(discharge; paying off; dismissal; lay‐off; sack); ;
🔗 But we are unable to say definitively, for now, what led to the firing of one of the most powerful figures in modern American media and politics.
(file; rank; row; queue; round; run; sequence; bank; string);
🔗 These were followed by the long line of prisoners accompanied by another officer and a small guard.
in de rij zetten
in een rij opstellen
in de rij gaan staan
zich in een rij scharen
(cord; rope; string; chord); ;
(thread; yarn);
🔗 The slashes indicate that everything on the right on the same line is a comment.

firing‐line vuurlijn; vuurlinie
firing afvuren; beschieting; brandstof; ontsteking; vuren
line aanpak; afzetten; artikel; assortiment; bekleden; beleggen; beleidslijn; beschieten; bloedlijn; branche; briefje; file; gedragslijn; grenslijn; groef; groeve; lijn; lijntje; linie; liniëren; methode; queue; reeks; regel; regeltje; richting; richtsnoer; rij; rimpel; scheepvaartlijn; schreef; snoer; spoorlijn; staan langs; standpunt; strafregel; streep; strepen; touw; uitlijnen; vak; voeren