English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word engagement ring

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(battle; scuffle; action; fight; clash; combat; fray);
🔗 Blinken said last month that the ball is in Russia’s court, and the officials said that remains the case when it comes to future diplomatic engagements.
(peal; clang; sound; toll);
(circle; round; circuit)
(arena; battleground);
🔗 Nearby were four gold rings, and silver cups as well as bronze bowls, cups, jugs and basins.
(telephone; call; call up; give a ring; phone up; ring up; give a call)
ektelefoni al

engagement ring verlovingsring
engagement aanmonstering; afspraak; bezigheid; dienst; dienstverband; engagement; gevecht; in dienst nemen; treffen; verbintenis; verloving; verplichting
ring aanbellen; arena; beieren; bellen; circus; consortium; daveren; een ring aandoen; gelui; geluid; kartél; klank; kliek; klinken; klokkenspel; kongsi; kring; kringetje; luiden; omcirkelen; opbellen; opklinken; overgaan; piste; renbaan; ring; ringen; ringen aandoen; schellen; weergalmen