English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word dwarf honeysuckle

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
dwarf honeysuckle
(fly honeysuckle; European fly honeysuckle; fly woodbine)
rode kamperfoelie
in de schaduw stellen
🔗 That means the size of the tariffs would dwarf those on steel and aluminum, which hit a little over $ 7 billion worth of EU exports to the US.
(European honeysuckle; woodbine; common honeysuckle)
eŭropa lonicero
🔗 In some cases the grip is deadly to the honeysuckle.

dwarf honeysuckle rode kamperfoelie
dwarf dwerg; dwergin; dwerg‐; in de groei belemmeren; in de schaduw stellen; kabouter; miniatuur‐; nietig doen lijken; onderdeurtje; onderkruiper; onderkruipsel
honeysuckle kamperfoelie; wilde kamperfoelie