English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word die hard

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
onverzettelijk persoon
(expire; breathe one’s last; gasp away life; gasp out life);
🔗 The wind had died.
(stamp; hallmark);
🔗 They play a simpler game here, with only three dice.
(difficult; tough; arduous); ; ;
🔗 I find this hard to believe.
🔗 The seed is relatively small and very hard.
(fast; firm; stable; resolute; solid; steadfast; unflinching; stiff)
(challenging; exacting; formidable; heavy; tough; arduous); ; ;
(strict; austere; harsh; sharp; stern; tough; bad; severe)
(hardly; not easily; with difficulty); ; ;
🔗 I find this hard to believe.
(tirelessly; untiringly)
🔗 He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was.
; ;
🔗 The eastern cities of Charkiv, Sumy and Černihiv have also been hard hit by Russia’s tactic of pounding urban areas with artillery as its troops have done before in Syria and Chechnya.
(heavy; severe);
🔗 His unit saw its hardest fighting in July in nearby Lysyčansʹk and Sjevjerodonecʹk, where they were heavily outnumbered.

die hard een taai leven hebben
diehard onverzoenlijk; onverzoenlijk persoon
die afsterven; bedaren; creperen; dobbelsteen; doodblijven; doodgaan; het afleggen; het besterven; het leven laten; matrijs; muntstempel; overlijden; snij‐ijzer; stempel; sterven; teerling; uitgaan; uitsterven; verflauwen; verrekken; verschalen; versterven; voorbijgaan; wegsterven
hard bezwaarlijk; fiks; flink; hard; hardvochtig; ingespannen; lastig; moeilijk; moeitevol; moeizaam; scherp; vast; zwaar