English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word counter‐promise

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(buffet; bar)
(ticket‐window; window; office; box‐office; ticket‐office; hatch; wicket)
(mark; stamp)
(combat; contend with; fight; fight against; run against; take on);
🔗 Japan’s alliance with the US has become increasingly important in a region that is seeing China, Russia and North Korea all pose threats that Tokyo seeks to counter.
; ;
🔗 I can promise you that.
🔗 I can make no promises.

counter‐promise tegenbelofte
counter afslaan; afweren; balie; belegstuk; counter; counteren; fiche; gilling; hielstuk; ingaan tegen; legstuk; loket; pareren; rekenaar; tegen … in; tegenbod; tegengesteld; tegenspreken; tegenstoot; tegenwerken; tegen‐; teller; toonbank
promise belofte; beloven; gelofte; toezeggen; toezegging; uitloven