English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word conference

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(press conference)
🔗 Earlier this month, addressing a news conference after a summit of Eurasian countries in Biškek, Kyrgyzstan, Putin attempted to reassure the public that there were no plans for additional mobilization.
(news conference)
🔗 “We have made clear at every stage that we want to settle this long running issue”, executive vice‐president of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis told journalists at a press conference.
summit conference
(summit; summit meeting)

conference bespreking; conferentie
conference area vergaderruimte
conference hall congresgebouw
conference interpreter conferentietolk
conference room conferentiezaal
conference table conferentietafel
hold a conference confereren
news conference persconferentie
peace conference vredesconferentie
press conference persconferentie
round‐table conference ronde‐tafelconferentie
summit conference topconferentie