English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word condemned

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(declare unfit for use; scrap)
deklari netaŭga
(sentence; denounce; doom; proscribe; convict);
(disapprove; disapprove of; rebuke; look askance at; disavow; repudiate; dismiss);
🔗 May was condemned at home for not criticizing Trump strongly enough.
(rebuke; reproach; reprove; scold; censure; decry; slam; belittle)
🔗 World leaders have condemned the Russian attack, with US president Joe Biden saying the world would “hold Russia accountable” for its actions.

condemn afkeuren; de staf breken over; doemen; het schuldig uitspreken over; misprijzen; onbewoonbaar verklaren; opgeven; verbeurd verklaren; veroordelen; vonnissen
condemned cell dodencel