English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word claim for damages

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(presume; allege; plead; apply)
(pretention; application); ;
(contention; assertion; allegation; statement)
🔗 One verified X account made the false claim that the US was sending $ 8 billion worth of military aid to Israel, Bloomberg reported.
(assert; state; allege; affirm; aver; maintain)
🔗 The opposition claimed Maduro was creating a dictatorship.
(demand; postulate; require; charge; dictate; exact; mandate; assert); ;
(charge; demand; suit);
🔗 The full extent of the damage in the region between Corpus Christi and Houston was not yet clear.
(injure; spoil; harm; hurt; impair; mutilate; vitiate; break); ; ;
(defect; flaw; harm; hurt; impairment; imperfection)
(harm; detriment; hurt; injury; loss; shenanigan; disadvantage)

claim for damages eis tot schadevergoeding
claim aanspraak; aanspraak maken op; beweren; bewering; claim; eis; eisen; opeisen; opvorderen; opvragen; pretentie; recht; rechtsvordering; reclame; reclameren; schuldvordering; vorderen; vordering
damage aantasting; averij; bederven; beschadigen; beschadiging; havenen; in diskrediet brengen; knak; knauw; letsel; schade; schaden; schenden; schennen; toetakelen
damages schadevergoeding