English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word well water

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 This means the planet is warm enough for water to be present on its surface.
🔗 At the base of each mountain range, on the inner side of the triangle, ran a stream of water.
🔗 Drink a little water.
(okay; fine)
🔗 You serve your master well.
(now; well then; now then; why)
🔗 Well, we’ll see.
🔗 Drawing a bucket of water from the well, he filled a cupped hand, sniffed the water, and gingerly touched it with the tip of his tongue.
(healthy; wholesome)
(welfare; okay)
(quite; very; very much; most; really; so; particularly);
(fountain; source; spring; fount; fountain‐head; well‐spring);
(oh; oops; by Jove; I never; have you ever; crickey; wow)

well water putwater; welwater
water begiet; benat; bewater; laat suip; met water verdun; moireer; natlei; natmaak; spoelsel; traan; van water voorsien; water; water gee; water laat inneem
well bron; diep ruimte; fontein; gesond; goed; inkpot; koker; ontspring; opborrel; opwel; put; terdeë; traphuis; wel; wel, ja