English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word the real thing

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(actual; practical)
🔗 His real objection to countries joining NATO is that he will no longer be able to invade them successfully.
(true; genuine; legitimate; positive)
🔗 Are you a real witch?
(item; something; stuff; object)
🔗 It was an odd thing Tam had taught him.
(matter; case; issue; question)
🔗 Stranger things have happened.

the real thing die regte ding; die ware Jakob
real daadwerklik; effektief; eg; eintlik; feitlik; reaal; regtig; reëel; waar; waarlik; werklik; wesenlik
thing affêre; affêring; ding; goed; iets; saak; spulletjie; voorwerp