English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word study

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Study the following examples.
🔗 The authors also note that the study of animal medication will have direct relevance for human food production.
(examine; explore; investigate; research; prospect; survey; check out);

study bestudeer; bestudering; skets; studeer; studeerkamer; studie
course of study kursus
in a brown study diep ingedagte; in gepeins versink
language study taalstudie
make a study of ’n studie maak van
nature study natuurstudie
study law in die regte studeer
study room studiesaal
study tour studiereis
study up blok; inpomp
subject of study leervak
night‐study lukubrasie
studied bestudeerd; deurwrog; gekunstel; gekunsteld; geleerd; opsetlik
studious angsvallig; fluks; leergierig; leergraag; sorgsaam; studieus; vlytig; ywerig
study‐circle studiekring
study‐leave studieverlof