English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word pre‐establish

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(erect; set; found)
🔗 When Elʹcin died in 2007, Putin almost immediately established a special commission tasked with organizing a state funeral, declared a day of national mourning and ordered flags to fly half staff.
(ascertain; take note; note; notice)
(install; implement; set)
(confirm; corroborate; affirm; uphold; bear out; recognize);
(erect; institute; pitch; raise; set; stand; set up; set down)

pre‐establish vooraf bepaal; vooruit reël
establish aanplant; bewys; in die lewe roep; instel; oprig; staaf; stig; tot stand bring; vasstel; vestig
pre‐establishment voorafgaande bepaling