English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word peace!

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 This is not only an an attack on the Ukraine, but also on European peace.
(peacefully; in peace)
🔗 No, but my country is at peace with Rome.
peace treaty
(treaty of peace)
treaty of peace
(peace treaty)

peace! stil!
peace! stil!
peace eendrag; kalmte; rus; stilte; vrede
apostle of peace vredesapostel
armed peace gewapende vrede
at peace in vrede
breach of the peace buregerug; rusverstoring; vredebreuk
break the peace die rus versteur
disturber of the peace rusverstoorder; vredesteurder; woelwater
dove of peace vredesduif
hold one’s peace stilbly
justice of the peace vrederegter
keep peace die vrede bewaar
keep the peace die vrede bewaar
leave somebody in peace iemand met vrede laat
make peace vrede sluit
may he rest in peace mag hy in vrede rus
on a peace footing op vredesvoet
peace and quiet rus en stilte
peace establishment vredesterkte
peace of mind gemoedsrus; gerustheid; sielevrede
peace proposal vredesvoorstel
peace training vredesopleiding
peace treaty vredesverdrag
pipe of peace vredespyp
swear the peace against sweer dat jou lewe bedreig word deur
pacific stil; vreedsaam
pacify laat bedaar; stilmaak; vrede maak
peaceable vredeliewend; vreedsaam
peace‐breaker rusversteurder; rusverstoorder
peace‐delegate vredesafgevaardigde
peaceful gerus; rustig; vredeliewend; vredig; vreedsaam
peaceless rusteloos; woelig
peaceloving vredeliewend
peace‐movement vredesbeweging
peace‐offer vredesaanbod
peace‐offering soenoffer
peace‐officer diender; konstabel
peace‐proclamation vredesafkondiging