Dutch–English dictionary

English translation of the Dutch word naspringen

Dutch → English
DutchEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(over); ;
🔗 Na mijn woorden bleef het doodstil.
(barsten; bersten; openbarsten; scheuren)
(ontploffen; exploderen)
🔗 Dan zullen wij deze wand met dynamiet laten springen.
🔗 Ik sprong dus de struiken in.

naspringen jump after; leap after
na after; following; next; next to; nigh; past; in succession to; upon; in the wake of; near; to top up with
springen blow out; blow‐out; bolt; bounce; bound; break; burst; caper; cavort; crack; explode; explosion; fly apart; frisk; gambol; hop; jump; leap; spring; start; rupture; saltation; skip; snap; chap; spout; go smash