Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word waardig

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto

waardig dignified; grand; worthy
aanmerkenswaardig worthy of comment; worthy of consideration
agtenswaardig estimable; reputable; respectable; worthy
dankenswaardig thankworthy
eerbiedwaardig respectable; time‐honoured; venerable
lesenswaardig readable
lofwaardig laudable
meldenswaardig mentionable
noemenswaardig important; mentionable
onwaardig raca; unworthy; undeserving; undignified; not worthy
opmerkenswaardig worthy of remark; noteworthy
padwaardig roadworthy
seewaardig in a navigable condition; seaworthy
vermeldenswaardig worthy of mention
vertrouenswaardig reliable; trustworthy
waarde value; calibre; merit; rate; price; worth
waardigheid dignity; honour
wetenswaardig interesting; worth knowing