Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word sug

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Sy sug terwyl sy afklim.
🔗 Op 68 sterf hy aan watersug in sy huis in Pauletstraat en word, deur vele betreur, in die ou begraafplaas van Somerset‐Oos begrawe.

sug craving; draw a sigh; dropsy; fetch a sigh; groan; groaning; itch; lust; mania; matter; proneness; propensity; pus; sigh; sighing; sough; suspiration; suspire
’n sug slaak fetch a sigh; heave a sigh
babbelsug garrulity; loquaciousness; loquacity
behaagsug coquetry; flirtation
bleeksug chlorosis; greensickness; anaemia
dranksug dipsomania; inebriation; inebriety
dweepsug fanaticism; zealotry
eksug egoism; selfishness
geelsug jaundice; icterus; the yellows
geldsug covetness; lust for money
gemaksug love of ease; indolence; laissez‐aller
genotsug Epicurism
gesug sighing; groaning
gewinsug covetness; lust for gain; lust of gain
hebsug acquisitiveness; avarice; avidity; cupidity; covetness; greed; greediness; rapaciousness; rapacity
heerssug ambition; imperiousness; lust for power; imperious spirit
lastersug slanderousness
miltsug spleen
modesug modishness
oorlogsug lust for war
plaagsug malice; fondness of teasing
praalsug ostentation; ostentatiousness; pomposity; pompousness
pronksug ostentatiousness
roemsug vainglory
roofsug rapaciousness; rapacity
selfsug egoism; selfishness; self‐seeking
sensasiesug sensationalism
skraapsug avarice; covetness; rapaciousness; rapacity; stinginess
slaapsug coma
spilsug extravagance; prodigality; squandermania; thriftlessness; wastefulness
spotsug mockery; scoffing
starsug catalepsy
steelsug kleptomania
suggie whiffle
swartsug melanosis
trommelsug hoove; tympanites
twyfelsug Pyrrhonism; scepticism
vermaaksug thirst for pleasure
vernielsug destructiveness; vandalism; wastefulness
veroweringsug lust for conquest
verspilsug wastefulness
versug sigh for
vetsug lipomatosis
vitsug captiousness; censoriousness; fault‐finding
vraagsugtig inquisitive
vraatsug gluttony; voracity
watersug anasarca; dropsy; hydropsy; oedema
windsug tympanites
winsug mercenariness
wraaksug revenge; revengefulness