Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word afloopwater

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Gee julle vir ons water om te drink.
🔗 By Mook buig die rivier af in westelike rigting om uiteindelik uit te mond in die Hollands Diep wat in verbinding staan met meerdere andere watere.

afloopwater drainage water; tail‐water
afloop conclusion; denouement; decline; ebb; end; ending; event; eventuate; expiration; expire; expiry; measure; terminate; foot; gully; gutter; issue; lapse; result; run; run out; run down; run‐off; slant; speen; turn out; walk down; slope; speening; flow; deviate; loot; wear out; launch; follow a course at
water Adam’s ale; aquatic; water; dropsy; lotion; piddle; piss; stale; tabby; urinate; urine; watering