Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word aan die kortste ent trek

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Hy neem ’n denkbeeldige trek.

aan die kortste ent trek come off the loser
ent short distance; bud; budding; close; conclusion; cue; death; distance; end; ending; engraft; finis; finish; graft; inoculate; last; terminate; extremity; heel‐piece; heel‐tap; omega; result; scion; stop; stretch; termination; vaccinate; wind‐up
trek arrest; draw; pull; terugtrek; cash; cast; catch; departure; draught; drift; traction; emigrate; emigration; evolve; feature; scratch; strain; strike; trait; trick; hale; haul; heave; immigrate; indraught; light; lineament; lug; march; migrate; migration; move; move out; puff; run; screw; shoot; slur; stage; stroke; take; tear; tone up; travel; trek; tug; tweak; unsheathe; warp; whiff; yank